Isabelle Morse

Isabelle’s practice focuses on creating a world of amorphous beings that represent singular moments of emotion. She places the sculptures, named ‘Blobbies’ on intricate shelves that connect, creating an environment for the creatures. The work extends to bespoke screen prints which developed from the idea of scientific drawing of found creatures.




Think of the opening of Monsters Inc, 2022, 2.3 x 2 m, Glazed Stoneware, MDF and Silicone shelving, Screen Prints

Installation Still: Jaj, 2021, 1.05 x 0.9 m, 6:36 minutes, Oil Pastel on Paper

xxx, 2022, 15 x 7 x 6 cm (each), Glazed Stoneware

A Blobby’s Guide To Joining A Squabble, 2022, 1.7 x 2.4 m Screen Print