A great deal of thought has gone into the name ‘sitting with it’ and how this sets the precedent for the space and the aims of our degree show exhibition.
As a curatorial team of graduating students, we have had many conversations throughout the process of realising our degree show. We have really considered what ‘sitting with it’ individually and collectively means, both within the wider context of the art world and on a more local scale of our exhibition.
We thought that rather than asking members of the curatorial team, we would ask teaching staff within the School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies to write a short piece about these reflections and interpretations of our show title. We have received a range of responses from a variety of staff, each with different academic interests and artist practices which entailed interesting thought-provoking responses to our show title.
We are extremely thankful for the time and effort put in to each article. Sitting With It has become a title we are very proud of, and we are happy it has taken the interest of so many. So watch this space, and our Instagram, as twice a week we will release a new blog post with a piece written by someone new.
We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we have.
Sitting With It Curatorial Team