I am currently investigating the psychological links between the ‘only-child syndrome’ and the attachment to objects found in the family home. Specifically, my work responds to the difficulty only-children may face when maturing into an adult lifestyle: the attachments and comfort they have associated with these symbolic objects rarely have a place in the adult world. My art exposes my own journey as an only-child, in which I too had to learn to let go of the fictitious associations I had made with my own home comforts, in order to be able to navigate adulthood and my new-found independence.
Website: wilsonfineart.wixsite.com/2021-22-portfolio
Instagram: @han.dcrafts
Email: hannahwilson8@gmail.com
Long day at the studio, 2022. Weave on loom, as part of installation. Approx 400 x 300 x 300cm.
Dissolving; melting away, 2022. Yarn, clay and MDF. Approx 35 x 35 x 30cm.
You cannot take them with you, 2022. Digitally altered installation of textile sculptures. Approx 100 x 200cm.
They still live in my head, 2021. Digitalised clay sculptures projected onto a wall, as part of a performance piece. Approx 300 x 300cm x 300cm.