My creative practice consists predominantly of multimedia installations, exploring the connection between the digital and physical worlds. My work utilises a variety of digital mediums including projection and digital artwork.
Although I also create paintings and drawings, this has recently become backgrounded to my digital work. As I have delved deeper into multimedia installations and digital artwork, painting and drawing has become more about research and contextualisation. I now use this as a means to design and organise my ideas into digital work. This means of working accentuates my interest in the relationship between the physical and digital.
I enjoy working with different spaces and creating immersive pieces designed for a specific space. As a result of my multimedia works, I am intrigued by the borders between art and technology and the possibilities for experimentation within transdisciplinary art.
In the new strange times we are experiencing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and an increase in technocapitalism, digital reality is more encompassing than ever before. Through the pandemic we have used technology as a means of communication and continuing with our lives. As a result of this, we have become reliant on it as a way of experiencing the world, seeing the world through a digital lens. My work embraces this increased use of technology and utilises it to stimulate a deeper engagement with the physical world, as opposed to a diminishing connection with the physical world that technology typically causes. My practice forces people to take attention to things which may otherwise be ignored or not noticed.
My work explores the co-existence of the natural and unnatural/technological world and how these worlds combine and interact with one another. Through the lens of the digital world that holds the attention of the viewer, my creative practice uses art to assist people in experiencing the world more.
Website: breonyhussey.com
Email: Breony.hussey@me.com
Instagram: @beehusseyart
Installation View: Surface Level, 2021. Audiovisual Installation, dimensions variable, duration: 00m:58s.